Mark Your Calendars!!! - Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation, Waltham MA 02453
Curiousity and Creativity Awaits! - May 10th, 2025
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For a Unique STEM Event!

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May 10th, 2025!
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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The NextGen STEMFest is an all day event where you will interact with robots, learn 3D printing, learn about laser cutting, experience the future of regenerative medicine, smart and sustainable textiles, and more...

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NextGen STEMFest: Innovate and Create

What makes Nextgen STEMfest special is a close partnership between STEM companies, non-profits, universities, the Watch City Steampunk Festival (also happening May 10th) and the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation. Be sure to visit them all the day!!

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Expert Waltham High School and youth from Springfield and Louisiana will be leading workshops on automatic farming robots, 3D printing, and laser cutting throughout the day. Signup. Workshops hosted by the Charles River Collaboratory!

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NextGenSTEM Fest is a different STEM festival

The inaugural NextGen STEMFest is a day-long community-focused STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) occurring on May 10th, 2025 at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in Waltham, MA. The festival hours is 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and is suitable for all ages! With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) the NextGen STEMFest celebrates the 75th year that the NSF has played in incubating and supporting innovation and discovery that has changed and improved the lives of so many in the United States. At the NextGen STEMFest come let your curiosity wander with interactive learning activities and experiences from some of the worlds top STEM companies and University research labs. You will see and learn about regenerative medicine, new biotechnologies, hear from young people about their college STEM experiences, learn about physical computing, and more. You can sign up to learn how to use a laser, how to 3D print nearly anything, screen printing at Massachusetts’ only youth-led innovation maker-space, the Charles River Collaboratory located at the Charles River Museum of Industry of Innovation. While you are at NextGen STEMFest you can also visit the Charles River Museum of Industry which will be free to visitors for the day and at the same time just a few hundred yards away is will be the famous Watch City Steampunk festival.